culture from Andromeda.

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Defending Sacred Ground


Table of contents of this book.

Chapter 1 - The Extraterrestrial Global Connection
The Draconians and the Paa Tal
Humans Have the Ability to Create Without Technology
The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy
Time Travel Permits Altering Consciousness of a Race
The Abduction of Humans
The Rest of the Galactic Hierarchy
The Andromedan Council
The Negative Hierarchy: 932 to 3,700 Years Ahead
Forbidden Planet: U.S. Military, Montauk and Altair
Earth Humans: The Race That Kills Itself
To Believe or Not to Believe: That Is The Question
Space is the Place to Really See Your Face
History: More of a Circle Than a Spiral
Things Change, But They Remain the Same
The NSA: Black Monks, Alpha 1&2 and MJ-12
Project Blue Moon, Alpha 1 and Alpha 2
Our Moon's Forbidden History
Mars: Cultural Propaganda vs. Reality
Tetrahedronal Geometry and Magnetic Frequency Generation
Holographic Image Technology
Life in the Cosmos: Bullets
The UN Global Biosphere Program
Flights Among the Stars: Spirit Journeys
Intention, Following Instinct and Frequency Shift Effects
Hale-Bopp: The Blue Star and the Empire Strikes
The Future, Self-Responsibility and Self-Determinism
The Andromedan Perspective on Human Biblical Matters
The Andromedan Perspective: The Next Nine Years
More on the In-Human UN Biodiversity Treaty
Free-Thinking Humans Appear to Be the Enemy
Humans Shackled By Lack of Vision
If We Are Eternal, Then What's All the Fear About?
Belief Systems and the Creation of Physical Reality
Earth Evolution in Progress
Planetary Oxygen Level Near Critical Level
Who's The Real Power Here?
Sirius B Humanoids
Our Solar System At Fifth Density: Transforms in Progress
About the Space of Fear
Withholding Love Creates Perpetual Disintegration
Reincarnational Souls of Influential Planetary Personages
About the Subject of Walk-ins
The Concept of the Second Coming and Related Topics
Nazi Scientists and Time-Traveling Greys in 1931
The Paa-Tal Redoux
Our Ancient Heritage in the Lyraen System
The Draconians: A Beginning Dialogue
On the Subject of Intention
Intent as the Primal Force of Creation
Questions and Answers

Alex Collier Defending Sacred Ground 2 Pdf File

Chapter 2 - An Andromedan Update: The Alex Collier at 1996 Global Sciences
Time for Us to 'Walk the Talk'
The Andromedans from the Star System Zenetae
Consciousness as the Scale of Illumination
The Brain, the Speed of Light and Evolution
The Threat to Elitists of Our Unlimited Spiritual Potential
Time to Get It Together and Collectively 'Kick Ass'
Regarding the Frequency Shift and Third Density Implosion
In the Final Analysis, All We Have is Each Other
The Andromedans Define Our Future
Corporate and Government of the Current Situation
Solar System and Slide Program Commentary
An Initial Protocol for Personal Extraterrestrial Contact
Andromedan vs Earth Educational Systems
Probable Events That Might Occur in the Next Few Years
The Andromedan Perspective on the Concept of Time

Chapter 3 - Alex Collier Lectures At the American Gnostic School, Nov 1996
The True Meaning of the term 'Warrior'
The Love You Withhold is the Pain You Carry Topaz restyle serial key.
Human Genetic Transfers and Reincarnation
Human Evolutionary Stages of Development
The Issue of 'Fear' and the Changes Around Us
What Makes a Human Being
Most Humans Haven't a Clue What's Happening
Human Children Being Taken Off the Planet Each Year
The Implosion of the Government Begins in 1997
The Andromedan Holographic Language
Hughes and kettner statesman service manual. More on the Upcoming Dimensional Changes
Intervention Changes Reality for Everyone
Effects Between Now and 2013 Are Long-Term
The Human Concept of 'Angels'
More On What Will Happen in the Next Ten Years
On the Meaning of the Use of Feathers By Native Americans
Questions and Answers

Chapter 4 - Leading Edge Research Interviews Alex Collier
More on the Magnetic Color-Sound Frequency
On a Misteaching in Metaphysics
General Trends of Humanoid Races in the Universe
General Observations on Andromedan Society
Other Races Associated With Andromedans
The Draconian Royal Line
The 'Rescue Mission'
Galactic Interplay Behind the Scenes
Captured Human Souls
When the Dominos Start to Fall
Which Side of the Coin is What You See?

Alex Collier Defending Sacred Ground 2 Pdf Player

World Leaders At Gizeh in 2000
A Higher Agenda Which Involves Us As Souls

Chapter 5 - Leading Edge Followup Interview with Alex Collier, May 5, 1996
A Planetary Update
More on Draconian Activities With Human Children
An Update on Benevolent ET's on Earth
More on the Sirians
When the Andromedans Arrive and the Prime Directive
Time Travel and Changing Agenda
Parallel Earth Reality Systems and Implosion
The Union of American Republics
Intelligence Agencies Living in a Synthetic Reality
Creation of Probable Reality Streams
Special Children Now Being Born on Earth
Helping the Teens of Today
Thoughts on Upcoming Earth Changes
Word for mac 2008 watermark in front of picture. The Andromedan Concept of the Creator

Chapter 6 - Leading Edge Followup Interview with Alex Collier, Jan 12, 1997
Male-Female Relationships in Andromedan Society
More on the History of the Zentaen Civilization

Alex Collier Defending Sacred Ground 2 Pdf File

General Queries on Submitted Questions
Giza Triangular Ratios Related to the Orion Group
Mathematical Sequences, Synchronicity and Reality Creation
More on the Nature of the Draconian Civilization
Hale-Bopp Draconians Might Visit the USA First
Who's Staffing the Hale-Bopp Complex?
The Hale-Bopp Complex as Potential Control Scenario
Hale-Bopp Draconians as Possibly a Rogue Group
Our Main Sun Is Already Beginning a Pole Shift
The Hale-Bopp Companion
Potential Hale-Bopp Tail Debris Impacting Earth
An Andromedan View of the Nature of the Soul
The Nature of Niburu
Getting Down to Brass Tacks
Control Factions to Synthesize Racial Problems as Distraction
The Year of the Turning Point: 1998
Prejudice and Racism Learned from Extraterrestrial Source
Attempts to Use Our Own Free Will Against Our Interests
Opening A Can of Worms: Analysis of 'Requests for Help'
Andromedan Council Will Intervene: Collective Intent Vital
Concept of the 'Rapture' is Psychologically Dysfunctional
Hypothetical Events Changing Planetary Consciousness
Most Probable Order of Transformative Events to Come
Transnational Corporations Now Stuck in Own Mess
Vasais: Creating A New Reality and Different Way of Life Fuji dx100 vs epson d700.
An Andromedan View of the 'Astral Plane'
An Andromedan View of 'Truth' On Earth At This Time
More on Civilizations in Various Star Systems

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Chapter 7 - Ancillary Reference Materials, Lectures and Information
An Essay on the Concept of Leadership
An Essay on the Relationship With the Is-ness
More on the Characteristics of the Evolution of New Densities
Dealing With Current Social Crisis
Some Historical Aspects of Human Physiology and Genetics
A Telepathic Statement from Moraney on Election Eve, Nov 1996
Greys and the Earth Agenda - A 1995 Lecture
Maps of Planetary Underground Bases
Our Solar System and Earth's Future - A 1995 Lecture
Current Moon Bases and Their History - A 1995 Lecture
Maps of Moon Bases and Other Features
Clones and Creation of Ourselves
Weather Modification and Engineering Technology
On Creation
Secret Colonies on Mars
The Holographic Record of Christianity
Creation of Our Universe
Inside the Planet: The Hollow Earth
Fourth and Fifth Density: 2013
Changing Consciousness

Thanksto Alex Collier and the many sources and
the teachers for this knowledgeand
wisdom that is helping us on our journey.


All rights reserved.

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